Monday, June 14, 2010

poor neglected blog

I've been a bad, bad blogger, and am prepared for my whipping. Got yer stitch?

I apologize for my absence in comment land. I have not been reading or writing much of anything lately. My brain has been sort of like a shaken up snowglobe lately, and things are just settling back to normal.

I do have some updates though and will hopefully have a longer post this week.

no, I'm not pregnant. sigh.


  1. Sorry to hear that. Glad you're back. :)

  2. I'm with Andie, glad you're back. I was worried. Sucks ass that you're not pregnant.... neither am I. God damn!

  3. Thinking of you, looking forward to more posts. I totally can relate-I haven't been much with the posting or commenting either!
