Tuesday, October 5, 2010

and that's that

Dead dog, dead baby.

Crazy town, here I come (but first I'll be making a stop in Drunksville).


  1. Shit. Dammit. I'm so sorry. So so sorry.

  2. Crap... I'm so very very sorry.

  3. fuck me, this is bullshit. I am so so so sorry. What the fuck universe? what the fuck?

  4. Oh no. I'm so very sorry. We had been trying for a year when we had to put our cat down due to kidney failure--she was only 4 and was the best cat ever. And I'm ashamed to say that I made a deal with God that he could have our beloved cat if he'd give us a baby instead. But a few months later, our IVF failed anyway--no cat, no baby. But this...all at once...is just so incredibly unfair. I don't know what to say. Things like this just shouldn't be allowed to happen. The universe should have to strive for some balance of good and bad. But no...sometimes things just suck for no reason whatsoever. Again, just so so sorry to hear this.

  5. So sorry about both the baby and your Lulu. So sad. Drinks?

  6. oh no... i am so sorry. there are no words. i wish i could do something to help you. my deepest and most sincere condolences for your losses on both accounts.

  7. Damn it! I was thinking about you and Ocho all weekend and was really hoping to hear good news. I'm so sorry for both of your losses :( :( :(

  8. Oh Wifey, I am so very sorry. I am thinking of you. A lot.

  9. "I'm sorry" just isn't good enough. (But I am. On both fronts. So, so sorry...)


  10. Wifey..this was like a punch to the stomach..I can't even imagine what you are going through. I am so, so sorry. I wish there was something I could do to make everything better, or to make everything go away..My heart breaks for you.

  11. Oh wifey, I am so incredibly sorry. For your baby and for your sweet doggy. Huge (((HUGS)))

  12. Oh my god. I am so sorry that I missed this earlier and so sorry for your heartbreak. I wish I had better words. (((HUGS)))

  13. Oh my god. I'm so very, very sorry, for both losses. My heart is aching for you. Sending you so much love.

  14. oooohhhh crap wifey!!! i am so so sorry!! i know it means nothing and makes you feel no better....but i'm praying for you. not just saying i am. i really am.

    damn...i was full of hope

  15. I wish there were better words than, "I'm sorry."
    What a horrible day.

    I'm here if you need me!

  16. What an outstandingly stinky, evil day. I'm so sorry! ((HUGS))

  17. I'm so, so sorry. I'm thinking of you and your husband.

  18. I am so sorry! I'll be praying for you.

  19. there are no words. I am so so sorry.

  20. I just read the good news yesterday and now I'm reading this post. From the bottom of my heart, I am so so so sorry.

  21. I am so sorry of your losses. What an awful, cruel day. :(

  22. The universe can go screw.

    I'm so very sorry, for the loss of this baby, and for the loss of your pup. don't even have words, though I like the sentiment of cowgirltn ^^ above.

    FU, Universe.

    You are in my thoughts.

  23. Im sorry, I have been there a few months ago, and honestly, I think Ill be following you there next week (I have a 5 1/2 week first scan next week) you and I both know the procedure, we know how this goes...

    I hope that over the last few days you have been able to take some time for yourself, block out all the shitty advise from people who have no idea and just take care of yourself.

    I know, there's nothing better I or anyone else has to offer or you. Be well, you are in my thoughts. xx
