Tuesday, December 29, 2009

dolla dolla bill y'all

Today, Hubby is putting in the paperwork to get our adoption savings account opened through his employer. We can contribute $10,000 pre-tax in 2010.

Hubby wants to max it out, which would equal approximately $833 per month.

We can afford it (just barely) but it leaves us NO wiggle room in the monthly budget.

The catch is that that money HAS to be used for adoption related expenses in 2010 or we’ll have to pay the taxes. I don’t know if we’ll be able to get the rest of the funds together in a year.

I should be happy about this, right? Hubby is taking initiative, and making a major financial decision without stressing me out over it. He’s getting the ball rolling on moving forward with adoption.

So why did I spend the morning crying? Why does this whole scenario scare the shit out of me? Why does it feel like giving up on me ever staying pregnant?

It feels like starting out on this road again is just opening more doors into the unknown. I don’t handle uncertainty well.

In my head, I’m stomping my feet like a two year old and whining that it’s not fair, NOT FAIR, that I want it all, that I don’t want to have to choose between adoption and IVF, that I don’t want to put myself in the poorhouse just to have a child when crackheads pop them out every day.

On my face is my work smile, professional and detached, despite the tears that keep settling into my eyes.

We’ll see, I guess.


  1. "I want it all, that I don’t want to have to choose between adoption and IVF, that I don’t want to put myself in the poorhouse just to have a child when crackheads pop them out every day."

    I understand this so, so well. After adopting Av from GT, we wanted to adopt again but couldn't afford it* so we chose TTC with donor sperm *because it was cheaper*. It ran us about 5K after med bills, IUI's, donor sperm, etc. Throw in a miscarriage and it left me -5K and devastated. Back on the adoption horse now, but man, the journey to get here, I tell you...

    Thinking of you--

    (Currently http://love-will-lead.blogspot.com/, formerly http://ethihopeia.blogspot.com/)

  2. I am so sorry that you are feeling uncertain about this incredibly HUGE decision. I think it is normal to have those feelings as you embark on the unknown.

    It is not fair that you and your husband have had to make the decision on whether to adopt or do IVF. It's just not fair.

    Thinking of you.

  3. That does sound scary. It's just a big life decision that would stress anyone out.

    I agree with the "not fair" comment. Have you seen this show on Discovery Heath called "I'm pregnant and..."? It totally pisses me off!! They have featured I'm pregnant and in prison, I'm pregnant and addicted, I'm pregnant and homeless, etc. Such crap these people get to have kids!

  4. It is scary to move forward with something like that for so many reasons. I'm glad that DH took the steps to do this and I'm also glad that you're being honest about how it makes you feel.

    Oh yes, those I'm pregnant and...shows. No freaking way.

  5. I have to agree it is wonderful DH is taking the initiative in this way. It's also great that you don't have to pay tax on the money at least. But you have every right to feel sad and overwhelmed by this decision. Definitely a big step, but hey, it's not as though it's all finalised yet. I think the door where you get and stay pregnant is still open...hopefully? One day at a time, wifey. BIG HUGS!!
    xx Rosie

  6. It's not fair that you have to choose. I'm sorry. :(
